School Prayers and Songs

Universal Prayer

O Hidden Life, vibrant in every atom;

O Hidden Light, shining in every creature;

O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness;

May all who feel themselves as one with Thee,

Know they are therefore one with every other.

                                Dr. Annie Besant

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;

Where knowledge is free;

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments

By narrow domestic walls

Where words come out from the depth of truth;

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;

Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way

Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;

Where the mind is led forward by thee

Into ever-widening thought and action;

Into that heaven of freedom, My Father, let my country awake.

Rabindranath Tagore

"My soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty & peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are one


Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Prayer before Lunch

Thank you for the world so sweet,

Thank you for the food we eat.

Thank you for the birds that sing,

Thank you God for everything.

We  would be very happy to include prayers from all religions. Please share your neutral well being prayer with us and enrich every child's life. 

Songs sung at Bumblbees

National Anthem

Jana Gana Mana Adhinaayak Jaya Hey, 

Bhaarat Bhaagya Vidhaataa 

Panjaab Sindhu Gujarat Maraatha,

 Draavid Utkal Banga 

Vindhya Himaachal Yamuna Ganga, 

Uchchhal Jaladhi Taranga 

Tav Shubh Naamey Jaagey, 

Tav Shubh Aashish Maange 

Gaahey Tav Jayagaathaa 

Jana Gana Mangal Daayak, Jaya Hey

 Bhaarat Bhaagya Vidhaataa Jaya Hey, 

Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya Hey

Vande Mataram

Vande mataram, Vande mataram

Sujalam suphalam malayaj shitlam,

Shasyashyamalam mataram, vande mataram, Vande mataram

Shubhra jyotsna pulakit yaminim, phulla kusumita drumadalashobhinim

Suhasinim sumadhurabhashhinim

sukhadam varadam mataram

Vande mataram vande mataram


Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar

Fuzzy Wuzzy caterpillar humps along,

humps along, humps along.

Fuzzy Wuzzy caterpillar humps along,

out to see the world.

Fuzzy Wuzzy caterpillar goes to sleep,

goes to sleep, goes to sleep.

Fuzzy Wuzzy caterpillar goes to sleep,

in his warm cocoon.

Someday you will be a pretty butterfly

butterfly, butterfly.

Someday you will be a pretty butterfly,

out to see the world.


Finger Song

Tom Thumb, Tom Thumb, Where are you?

 Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

 (“Now it’s Pointer’s turn which is your index finger; he’s the one who points”)

Pointer finger,  Pointer finger, Where are you?

 Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

 (“Now it's  Tall which is your middle finger; he’s the tallest one of them all”)

 Tall finger, Toby finger, Where are you?

 Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

 (“And now it's Ring, she’s the fourth one along”)

 Ring finger, Ring finger, Where are you?

 Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

 (“Last, but not least is Baby Small, he’s the littlest finger of all”)

 Baby Small, Baby Small, Where are you?

 Here I am, here I am, How do you do?

 (“OK, now for the last time put your fingers in the air, give them a wiggle and wave them everywhere”)

Fingers all, Fingers all, Where are you?

Here we are, here we are, How do you do?

 Here we are, here we are, How do you do? (Many Variations to make it interesting)


Thumbkin he can Sing

 Thumbkin he can sing,

Thumbkin he can dance (twice)

 We all go merrily up together (twice)

 we all clap hands

  We can’t go merrily up together (twice)

We cant clap hands

But baby, baby he can sing, baby he can dance....

Scout Song

We are the little scouts, we are camping out

We like to play, play the guitar

Tring, tring, tring, tring, tring tring

We are the little scouts, we are camping out

 We like to play, play the violin

 Wee wee wee wee wee wee wee

 Tring, tring, tring, tring, tring tring

 We are the little scouts, we are camping out

 We like to play, play the piano

 Pinkle pankle pinkle pankle pinkle pankle plung

Wee wee wee wee wee wee wee

Tring, tring, tring, tring, tring tring

We are the little scouts, we are camping out

 We like to play, play the drums

 Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum

 Pinkle pankle pinkle pankle pinkle pankle plung

 Wee wee wee wee wee wee wee

 Tring, tring, tring, tring, tring tring

We are the little scouts, we are camping out

 We like to play, play the flute

Whistle the tune

Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum

 Pinkle pankle pinkle pankle pinkle pankle plung

Wee wee wee wee wee wee wee

Tring, tring, tring, tring, tring tring

We are the little scouts, we are camping out

We like to play, play the bugle, more instruments


Tiny seed in the Garden

I am a tiny seed sleeping sleeping

I am a tiny seed ever so small

Now, I am growing growing growing

Now, I am growing growing tall

I can see over the garden wall (2)

Growing growing growing growing

Growing growing growing to be a tall tall tree

Swaying swaying swaying swaying swaying swaying happily


Pretty little Butterfly

Pretty little butterfly Dancing in the sun

Sip upon a pretty flower until the sun comes down

Pretty little butterfly It’s very wet today

Hide beneath the garden leaves and come another day

Pretty little butterfly It’s time to say good bye

Open up your pretty wings and fly away Good bye!


Fruit Song

Watermelon Watermelon Papaya Papaya,

Chikoo Chikoo Chikoo, Chikoo Chikoo Chikoo,

 Fruit Salad, fruit salad

Custard Apple Custard Apple, Pineapple Pineapple,

Apple Apple Apple,

 Fruit Salad, fruit salad (Sing any variations)

Frere Jacques                                                         English version                                                                               

Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques Are you sleeping, are you sleeping?

Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?                                            Brother John, Brother John?

Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines                    Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing

Ding dang dong, ding dang dong.                                  Ding dang dong, ding dang dong.

Pop the Bubbles

One little two little three little bubbles

Four little five little six little bubbles

Seven little eight little nine little bubbles

Ten little bubbles go pop pop pop

And pop goes bubbles Pop pop pop

And pop goes bubbles Pop pop pop

And pop goes bubbles Pop pop pop

Ten little bubbles go pop pop pop

Count one-ten


If you're happy and you know it

 Clap your hands. Clap, Clap.

If you're happy and you know it

Clap your hands. Clap, Clap.

 If you're happy and you know it

and you really want to show it

If you're happy and you know it

Clap your hands. Clap, Clap.

Stomp your feet

Say Hurrah

Nod your head

Sway your hands

Jump up high

Laugh hahaha


The wheels on the bus go round and round

 Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round

 All through the town.


 The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish,

 Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish"

The wipers on the bus go "Swish, swish, swish"

 All through the town.


 The door on the bus goes open and shut

Open and shut, open and shut

 The door on the bus goes open and shut

All through the town.


The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beep

 Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep"

 The horn on the bus goes "Beep, beep, beep"

 All through the town.


The gas on the bus goes "Glug, glug, glug

 Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug, glug"

The gas on the bus goes "Glug, glug, glug"

All through the town.


The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink,

 Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink"

The money on the bus goes "Clink, clink, clink"

All through the town.


The baby on the bus says, "Hah, hah, hah!

hah, hah, hah, hah, hah, hah!"

 The baby on the bus says, "hah, hah, hah!"

 All through the town.


The mommy on the bus says, " hug hug hug

hug hug hug hug hug hug "

The daddy on the bus says, " hug hug hug "

All through the town.


Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

 And eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

 (Repeat, getting faster each time).


You put your right hand in

 You put your right hand out

You put your right hand in

 And you shake it all about

Do the boogie Woogie,

And you turn yourself around

That's what it's all about!

then you repeat the verse over and over, using the left hand, then right foot, then the left foot then head, then 'your whole self.

So the last verse you go:

You put your whole self in

You put your whole self out

You put your whole self in

Then you shake it all about

 Do the boogie Woogie,

 Then you turn yourself around

That's what it's all about.


Out in the garden

 Out in the garden, one fine day,

With my ball, I went to play!

 I bounced it right, I bounced it left,

 I bounced it well on one fine day!

 Out in the garden, one fine day,

 With my kite, I went to play!

 I flew it right, I flew it left,

I flew it high up the sky!

Out in the garden, one fine day,

With my bike, I went to play!

 I pedalled front, I pedalled back,

I rode the bike everyday day

 Out in the garden, one fine day,

 With my doll, I went to play!

 I danced all day, I danced all day

 With my doll, I played all day


Five little speckled frogs

Five Little Speckled Frogs Lyrics:

Five little speckled frogs

 Sat on a great big log

Eating the most delicious bugs - YUM YUM

One jumped into the pool

 Where it was nice and cool

Then there were four speckled frogs - GLUG GLUG


Solar system Song (farmer in the dell tune)

The Family of the Sun,

Its planets number eight,

Plus other rocky, icy worlds

That we appreciate.

Mercury is hot and

Mercury is small.

 Mercury has no atmosphere.

 It's just a rocky ball.



 The Family of the Sun,

 Its planets number eight,

Plus other rocky, icy worlds

That we appreciate.


 Venus has thick clouds

That hide what is below.

 The air is foul,

 the ground is hot.

It rotates very "slow."



We love the Earth, our home,

 Its oceans and its trees.

 We eat its food. We breathe its air,

So no pollution, please.



Mars is very red.

It's also dry and cold.

Some day you might visit Mars

If you are really bold.

Great Jupiter is big.

We've studied it a lot.

We found that is has many moons

and a big red spot.



 Saturn has great rings.

 We wondered what they were.

Now we know they're rocks and ice

 that we saw as a blur.


With atmospheres that swirl,

& wispy white clouds too,

Uranus and Neptune

are so cold that you'd turn blue.


Chorus Pluto's small and cold.

It has an icy face.

We call it a dwarf planet now,

But its still quite a place.


Friend of Mine

 (tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Will you be a friend of mine,

 a friend of mine, a friend of mine?

Will you be a friend of mine

and (insert an action) around with me?

_______ is a friend of mine,

friend of mine, friend of mine,

 _______ is a friend of mine,

who (insert same action) around with me.



Butterfly Cycle

(to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

Hatch, hatch little egg,

 I'm so very small.

Teeny tiny caterpillar,

You can't see me at all.

 Crawl, caterpillar, crawl,

Munching on a leaf.

Crawling, munching, crawling, munching,

 Eat and eat and eat.

 Form, form chrysalis,

I'm a different shape;

 Hanging by a silken thread

Until I can escape.

Rest, rest, chrysalis

While I change inside;

Now at last my time has come

To be a butterfly.

 Stretch, stretch, pretty wings,

It's a special day;

Soon they will be strong enough

For me to fly away.

Fly, fly, butterfly,

 Fly from flower to tree;

Find a place to lay my eggs

So they can grow like me


At the Zoo

Sing to the tune of She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain:

You can hear lions roaring at the zoo, ROAR! ROAR!

You can hear lions roaring at the zoo, ROAR! ROAR!

You can hear lions roaring, you can hear lions roaring,

You can hear lions roaring at the zoo! ROAR! ROAR!

 You can hear snakes hissing at the zoo, SSSS! SSSS!

You can hear snakes hissing at the zoo, SSS! SSS!

You can hear snakes hissing, you can hear snakes hissing,

You can hear snakes hissing at the zoo, SSS! SSS!

You can hear bears growling at the zoo, GROWL! GROWL!

 You can hear zebras braying at the zoo, BRAY! BRAY! (neigh! neigh!)

You can hear monkeys chattering at the zoo, (hoo-hoo-ha-ha)

You can hear tigers growling at the zoo, GROWL! GROWL!

You can hear elephants trumpeting at the zoo, TRUMPET! TRUMPET!


Roly poly

Roly poly, roly poly,

 Up up up.

 Roly poly, roly poly,

 Down down down.

Roly poly, roly poly,

 In in in.

 Roly poly, roly poly,

 Out out out.

Roly poly, roly poly,

 Left left left.

 Roly poly, roly poly,

 Right right right.

Roly poly, roly poly,

 Fast fast fast.

 Roly poly, roly poly,

 Slow slow slow.

Roly poly, roly poly,

 Loud loud loud.

 Roly poly, roly poly,

 Soft soft soft.

Roly poly, roly poly,

 Clap clap clap.

 Roly poly, roly poly,

 Hands behind your back

Rainbow Song

Red, Orange, Yellow

Green, Blue, Indigo

And Violet makes a rainbow

Who wearing Red…..

(Ask 1 by 1 colour name)


Days of the Week Song

Sunday Monday

Tuesday, Wednesday

Thursday, Friday, Saturday

(Ask what is the day today, tomorrow and yesterday)

Months of the year

January, February, March

April, May June

July, August

September, October

November, December

(Sing with action)

Down by the Jungle

Down by the jungle

 Where nobody goes

 There's a great big elephant

 Washing his clothes,

 With a rub-a-dub here

 And a  rub-a-dub there

 That's the way he washes his clothes

Boom boogie boom boogie, boogie woogie(Elephant sound)

Boom boogie boom boogie, boogie woogie(Elephant sound)

Boom boogie boom boogie, boogie woogie(Elephant sound)

 That's the way he washes his clothes

Repeat same for  slithery snake (Hiss)

Great big crocodile(snap)

Number song

One Two Buckle my Shoe

One Two Buckle my Shoe

Three Four Shut the Door

Five Six Pickup Sticks

Seven Eight Lay Them Straight

Nine ten A Big Fat Hen

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 On a cold and frosty morning

This is the way we wash our face

 Wash our face

 Wash our face

 This is the way we wash our face

 On a cold and frosty morning

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 On a cold and frosty morning

This is the way we brush our teeth

 Brush our teeth

 Brush our teeth

 This is the way we brush our teeth

 On a cold and frosty morning

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 On a cold and frosty morning

This is the way we comb our hair

 Comb our hair

 Comb our hair

 This is the way we comb our hair

 On a cold and frosty morning

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 On a cold and frosty morning

This is the way we put on our clothes

 Put on our clothes

 Put on our clothes

 This is the way we put on our clothes

 On a cold and frosty morning

Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 The mulberry bush

 Here we go 'round the mulberry bush

 On a cold and frosty morning


Rain, rain, go away 

Rain, rain, go away

 Come again some other day

 We want to go outside and play

 Come again some other day

Rain, rain, go away

 Come again some other day

 We want to go outside and play

 Come again some other day

Rain, rain, go away

 Come again some other day

 We want to go outside and play

 Come again some other day


1 Finger 1 Finger turn turn turn

1 Finger 1 Finger Turn Turn Turn (Twice)

It becomes Worm

Crawl crawl crawl (Twice)

2 Fingers 2 Fingers Turn Turn Turn (Twice)

It becomes Bunny

Hop Hop Hop (Twice)

3 Fingers 3 Fingers Turn Turn Turn (Twice)

It becomes Cat

Meow Meow Meow (Twice)

4 Fingers 4 Fingers Turn Turn Turn (Twice)

It becomes Butterfly

Fly Fly Fly (Twice)

5 Fingers 5 Fingers Turn Turn Turn (Twice)

It becomes Tiger

Roar Roar Roar(Twice)

In a Cottage in a wood

In a cottage in a wood,

 A little old man by the window stood.

 Saw a rabbit hopping by,

 Knocking at the door. [knock, knock]

 “Help me! Help me! Help me!” he said,

 “Or the farmer will shoot me dead!”

 “Come little rabbit, come with me,

 Happy we shall be.”


Washing Hand 

Top and Bottom

Top and Bottom

In Between

All Over The Hand

Lets it clean


My red balloon

My red balloon,

My red balloon,

Flies up, up, to the sky.

I jumped up high,

To reach the sky,

But could not reach it; Why?

My red balloon,

My red balloon,

Flies up, up, to the sky. 


Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree lyrics

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree,

 Merry merry king of the bush is he.

 Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra,

 Gay your life must be!

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree

 Eating all the gumdrops he can see

 Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra

 Leave some there for me.

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,

 Counting all the monkeys he can see

 Stop, Kookaburra, Stop, Kookaburra,

 That's no monkey, that's me.

Incy wincy spider

Incy wincy spider

 Climbed up the water spout

 Down came the rain

 And washed poor incy out

 Out came the sun

 And dried up all the rain

 So incy wincy spider

 Climbed up the spout again


Mr. Golden Sun

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

 please shine down on me.

 Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

 hiding behind the tree.

 These little children are asking you

 to please come out so they can play with you.

 Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,

 please shine down on me.

Shine down on me. Shine shine shine.

 Shine down on me. Shine shine shine.

 Shine down on me. Shine shine shine.

 Shine down on me.

 Oh Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun, Mr. Golden Sun.

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,














Hindi Songs

‘Dhobi Aaya’ Lyrics in English

Dhobi aaya, dhobi aaya,

 Kitane kapade laaya

 Ek, do, teen,

 Ek, do, teen,

Dhobi aaya, dhobi aaya,

 Kitane kapade laaya,

 Chaar, paanch, chhah,

 Chaar, paanch, chhah,

Dhobi aaya, dhobi aaya,

 Kitane kapade laaya,

 Saat, aath, nau,

 Saat, aath, nau,

Dhobi aaya, dhobi aaya,

 Kitane kapade laaya,

 Das, das, das,

 Bhai ! das, das, das .


Machli Jal Ki Raani Hai,

Machli Jal Ki Raani Hai,

 Jeevan Uska Paani Hai,

 Haath Lagoge Toh Darr Jayegi,

 Baahar Nikaloge Toh Mar Jayegi,


Bandar Mama Pahan Pajama

Bandar Mama Pahan Pajama

 Dawat khaane aaye

 Bandar Mama Pahan Pajama

 Dawat khaane aaye

 Naya Kurta, Topi Juta Pehen Bahut Itraye

 Naya Kurta, Topi Juta Pehen Bahut Itraye!

Rasgullee par ji lalchaya

 Muh mai rakha gap se

 Rasgullee par ji lalchaya

 Muh mai rakha gap se

 Garam garam tha, naram naram tha

 Jeeb jal gyi lap se

 Garam garam tha, naram naram tha

 Jeeb jal gyi lap se!

Bandar mama rote rote jeeb dikhane aaye

 Bandar mama rote rote jeeb dikhane aaye

 Bada Injection, Kadwi dawayi,

 Dekh ke wo ghabraye

 Bada Injection, Kadwi dawayi,

 Dekh ke wo ghabraye!

Bandar mama rote rote wapas ghar ko aaye,

 Bandar mama rote rote wapas ghar ko aaye,

 Feeki topi feeka jote

 Roye aur pachtaye

 Feeki topi feeka jote

 Roye aur pachtaye


Main tota, main tota

Main tota, main tota, hare rang ka hoon dikhta

 Main tota, main tota, hare rang ka hoon dikhta

 Chonch meri laal rang ki, mitthu-mitthu main karta

 Chonch meri laal rang ki, mitthu-mitthu main karta



Main Tota, main tota, neel gagan mein hoon udta

 Main Tota, main tota, neel gagan mein hoon udta

 Phal, sabziyaan, daana khaata, mitthu-mitthu main karta

 Phal, sabziyaan, daana khaata, mitthu-mitthu main karta



Main Tota, main tota, kalakaar main bhi hoon bada

 Main Tota, main tota, kalakaar main bhi hoon bada

 Karta hoon main sabki nakal, mitthu-mitthu main karta

 Karta hoon main sabki nakal, mitthu-mitthu main karta



Main Tota, main tota, hare rang ka hoon dikhta

 Main Tota, main tota, hare rang ka hoon dikhta

 Thumak-thumak ke main chalta, mitthu-mitthu main karta

 Thumak-thumak ke main chalta, mitthu-mitthu main karta

‘Aaloo Kachaloo’ English Lyrics

Aaloo kachaloo beta kahan gae the,

Baingan ki tokri mein so rahe the,

Baingan ne laat mari ro rahe the,

Mammi ne pyar kiya, hans rahe the,

Papa ne paise die, naach rahe the,

Bhiya ne laddo die, kha rahe the .


Ek Mota Hathi

Ek Mota Hathi Jhoom Ke Chala

Makadi Ke Jaal Me Jaake Woh Fasa

Jaal Ko Dekha

Dekh Ke Dara

Dusre Hathi Ko Ishare Se Bulaya

Idhar Aaa

Idhar Aaa

Idhar Aaa Haan


Do Mote Hathi Jhoom Ke Chale

Makadi Ke Jaal Me Jaake Woh Fase

Jaal Ko Dekha

Dekh Ke Dare

Dusre Hathi Ko Ishare Se Bulaya

Idhar Aaa

Idhar Aaa

Idhar Aaa Haan


Teen Mote Hathi Jhoom Ke Chale

Makadi Ke Jaal Me Jaake Woh Fase

Jaal Ko Dekha Dekh Ke Dare

Chauthe Hathi Ko Ishare Se Bulaya

Idhar Aaa 

Idhar Aaa

Idhar Aaa Haan 

Char Mote Hathi Jhoom Ke Chale

Makadi Ke Jaal Me Jaake Woh Fase

Jaal Ko Dekha Dekh Ke Dare

Fanchwe Hathi Ko Ishare Se Bulaya 

Idhar Aaa

Idhar Aaa

Idhar Aaa Haan 

Paanch Mote Hathi Jhoom Ke Chale

Makadi Ke Jaal Me Jaake Woh Fase

Jaal Ko Dekha Dekh Ke Dare

Aur Sath Milke Jaal To Tod Diya

Tod Diya

Tod Diya 

Tod Diya Haan


Lal Tamatar’ Lyrics in English

Gol gol ye laal tamatar,

 Hote jinse gal tamatar,

 Khoon badhata laal tamatar,

 Furti lata laal tamatar,

 Swasthya banata laal tamatar,

 Mast banata laal tamatar,Hum khayenge laal tamatar,

 Ban jayenge laal tamatar.


‘Mummy Ki Roti Gol Gol’ Lyrics in English 

Mummy ki roti gol gol,

Papa ka paisa gol gol,

Dada ka chashma gol gol,

Dadi kee bindiya gol gol,

Upar pankha gol- gol

Niche dharti gol –gol

Chanda gol Suraj gol

Ham bhi gol tum bhi gol

Saari duniya gol–matol


‘Lakdi Ki Kathi’ Lyrics in English

Lakdi ki kathi, kathi pe ghoda

 Ghode ki dum pe, jo mara hathauda

 Dauda dauda dauda ghoda dum utha ke dauda-2

Ghoda pahuncha chauk mein, chauk mein tha nai

 Ghodeji ki nai ne hazamat jo banai

 tak-bak tak-bak tak-bak tak-bak

 Ghoda pahuncha chauk-2

 Dauda dauda dauda ghoda dum utha ke dauda

Ghoda tha ghamandi, pahuncha sabji mandi

 Sabji mandi baraf padi thi, baraf mein lag gai thandi

 tak-bak tak-bak tak-bak tak-bak

 Ghoda tha ghamandi -2

 Dauda dauda dauda ghoda dum utha ke dauda

Ghoda apna tagda hai dekho kitani charbi hai

 Chalta hai maharauli mein par ghoda apana arbi hai

 tak-bak tak-bak tak-bak tak-bak

 Ghoda apana tagada hai -2

 Baah chuda ke dauda ghoda dum utha ke dauda

 Lakdi ki -2


Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram Song Lyrics 

raghupati raghav raja ram

 patit pawan sita ram sita ram

 raghupati raghav raja ram

 patit pawan sita ram sita ram

 raghupati raghav raja ram

 patit pawan sita ram sita ram

 sitaram sitaram

 bhaj pyare tu sita ram

 ishwar allah tere naam

 sabko sanmati de bhagwaan

 ishwar allah tere naam

 sabko sanmati de bhagwaan

 raghupati raghav rajaram

 patit pawan sita ram sita ram


Khaf Khaf Ballati

Khaf khaf khaf Ballati

Gap gap gap khadati

Rimi jhimi jhimi Barshati

Tata thoi thoi Nrityathi 


Tamil Songs

Dosai amma dosai

Dosai amma dosai

 amma sutta dosai!

 arisi maavum uluntha maavum

 kalanthu sutta dosai!

 appavuku naalu

 ammavuku moonu

 annanuku irandu

 paapaavuku onnu

 thinga thinga aasai

 innum ketaal poosai!

Amma inge vaa! vaa!

Amma inge vaa! vaa!

 Aasai mutham thaa! thaa!

 Ilaiyil soaru poattu

 Eeyaith thoora oottu

 Unnaip poantra nallaar,

 Oaoril yaavar ullaar?

 Yennal unakuth thollai

 Yethum inge illai

 Iyamintri solluven

 Ottrumai yendrum balamaam

 Oadhum seyale nalamaam

 Avvai sonna mozhiyaam

 Ahathe namaku vazhiyaam.

Karadi Mama Karadi Mama

Karadi Mama Karadi Mama enge poringa 

Kattupakkam Veediruku Ange Poraenga 

Kambali sattai nalla iruku 

yaaru thantanga? 

Kadavul thantha

Parisu thanga vearu yaarunga.?

Mambazhamam Mambazham

Mambazhamam Mambazham

Malgova Mambazham

Selaththu Maambalam

Thithikum maambalam

Ungaluku vaenuma

Ingae odi varungal

Pangu potu thinnalam

Anile anile odi vaa

Anile Anile odi va

Goyya maram yaeri va

Gundu pazham kondu va

Paadhi pazham unaku

Meedhi pazham enaku

Korithu korithu iruvarum

Pangu potu thinnalam

Yaanai periya yaanai

Yaanai periya yaanai

Yaarkum anja yaanai

Paanai vaiyru yaanai

Pallai kaata yanai

Murathai pola kaadhu munnal veesum yaanai

Siriya goli gundai chinna kangal yaanai

Chinna kuzhandhai yaetri gambiramai nadakum

Namaku elllam migavum

Piditha maana mirugam.

Pattu pattam poochi

Pattu pattam poochi

Pattu katti pochu

Vatta mitu poovai

Vandhu thottu pochu

Yetti pidika sendraen

Yengo parandhu pochae(2)

Chinna chinna vaathu

Chinna chinna vaathu

Kuva kuva vaathu

Mella udalai saithu 

Maelum keelum paathu

Mellamaaga nadakum

Chinna mani vaathu

Nyaairu thingal budhan viyaalan velli sani

Ondru yaavarkum

Ondru yaavarkum thalai ondru

Irandu mugathil kann irandu

Moondru mukaaliku kaal moondru

Naangu naarkaaliku kaal naangu

Aindhu oru kai viral aindhu

Aaru ee ku kaal aaru

Yaezhu vaarathin naal yaezhu

Yettu silandhiku kaal yettu

Onbadhu dhaanya vagai onbadhu

Pathu iru kai viral pathu

 Bengali Songs

Aamar mukti aaloy aaloy

Aamar mukti aaloy aaloy ei aakashe,

Aamar mukti dhulay dhulay ghaase ghaase.

Dehomoner sudur paare    haariye pheli aaponare,

Gaaner sure aamar mukti urdhe bhaase.

Aamar mukti sarbojaner moner maajhe,

Dukkhobipad-tuchchho-kara kotthin kaaje.

Bishwodhaatar jogyoshaala atmohomer bonhi jwaala -

Jiban jeno diyi aahuti mukti-aashe.

Aamar mukti aaloy aaloy ei aakashe,

Aamar mukti dhulay dhulay ghaase ghaase.

Dehomoner sudur paare    haariye pheli aaponare,

Gaaner sure aamar mukti urdhe bhaase.

Aamar mukti sarbojaner moner maajhe,

Dukkhobipad-tuchchho-kara kotthin kaaje.

Bishwodhaatar jogyoshaala atmohomer bonhi jwaala -

Jiban jeno diyi aahuti mukti-aashe.